Bollywood stars put their best fashion foot forward at an award show in Mumbai on Friday night. Kiara Advani looked stunning as ever in a red-draped cut-out gown. Janhvi Kapoor was a ray of sunshine in a bright yellow outfit. Kajol kept it classic in a gown. Ananya Panday, Disha Patani, Mouni Roy and Nora Fatehi added bling to the red carpet with their OOTNs. Vidya Balan and Rani Mukerji opted for a black ensembles for the night. Bhumi Pednekar's haute look was perfect for red carpet. Rakul Preet Singh went for a yin-yang kind of look. Vaani Kapoor dazzled in a blue outfit. Here's a red carpet round-up for those who require one.
Red alert for Kiara Advani.
Janhvi Kapoor was a ray of sunshine on the red carpet.
It was bling O'clock for Ananya Panday.
Ab-tastic Disha Patani posing on the red carpet.
Kajol and her million-dollar smile. That's it. That's the caption.
Rani Mukerji looking gorgeous as ever.
Strike a pose like Vidya Balan.
Rakul Preet Singh and Shriya Saran posed together.
Vaani Kapoor ruling the red carpet and how.
Pooja Hedge looked pretty in a white ensemble.
Hello there, Bhumi Pednekar.
Just Mouni Roy posing on the red carpet.
TV star Tejasswi Prakash on the red carpet.
Ayushmann Khurrana's red carpet moment.
Kartik Aaryan opted for a crisp grey suit.
Hello there, Arjun Kapoor.
We loved TV star Karan Kundrra's OOTN.
Babil Khan posed with mom Sutapa Sikdar.
Whose red carpet look did you like the most. Let us know using the comments section below.
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